When we look at a house, it isn’t often that we think of the types of windows used and why it is beneficial to that property. New windows are extremely important and can ultimately affect how a property looks, but also contribute to its thermal efficiency and security. From casement to custom-made windows all of the different types of windows available serve an important purpose to your home, as well as being exciting design element. There are many key decisions to make renovating or moving into a new home, but the type of window is considered one of the most important. New windows can often be expensive, but government grants for windows and doors allow more accessibility for homeowners on a budget. Home renovation experts suggest the 5 most beneficial styles of new windows which are most likely to help the homeowner achieve their design objectives.
The most common windows installed today are single windows. Single windows consist of one moveable sash, which is usually the lower one. The upper sash is fixed in place, providing bright natural light to the room. Single windows are one of the most popular because they are practical, functional, easy to operate and usually affordable against other types of windows.
This may seem like an obvious one, but the key different between single windows and double hung windows are that both of the sashes are moveable. This is beneficial as it adds versatility and provides extra ways to ventilate your home. Double hung windows are available as an option in many government grants for windows and doors schemes in the UK. Modern versions of double-hung windows have a tip in feature which allows the homeowner to reach the entire interior of the double hung window’s surface, so the new windows stay completely clean.
The third option for homeowners is the extremely popular casement windows. Unlike the single or double hung windows, casement windows open out from the bottom, top right or left. This simply means that when open, fresh air can be circulated from the entire surface area of the window, rather than just the bottom or the top. Casement windows are extremely popular as they add character and a traditional aesthetic to your home.
The next option that tradespeople or home renovation companies will encourage the homeowner to consider is bay windows or bow windows. They are often referred to as being the same types of windows, but they are very different. Bay windows are for the home-fashion conscious. They are often installed to create a visual impression, extending away from the home. In most cases, bay windows or bow windows are accompanied by a plant, an internal seat next to the window, or other creative design elements. Wondering what the difference is between bay windows and bow windows? Bay windows typically have 3 openings and only the middle one is fixed. A bow window’s structure is curved with four or more windows – creating a ledge feature on the interior of the home.
Looking to stand out from the crowd? Some homeowners desire a look and style that simply aren’t available and would need custom-made windows. Speciality and custom-made, new windows are only provided by top windows designers and manufacturers. These aren’t often available in the government grants for windows and doors. The people who are most likely to requests these different styles of unique custom made windows are architects, builders or interior specialists. They will meet with designers who specialise in custom-made windows to meet their specific needs.